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Active Music-Making: The Kodály Approach

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The Kodály Society of Ireland, in association with DCU St. Patrick's Campus, and with the generous support of the Hungarian Embassy, Dublin and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, hosted a very exciting workshop weekend for teachers and musicians. Together with a unique masterclass opportunity for singers, the weekend was a huge success!

We welcomed a highly experienced faculty, of well-renowned Hungarian masterteachers from: 

The Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Hungary. They taught, under two streams:

Stream 1, Music Pedagogy:Faculty: Dr. László Nemes & Katalin Körtvési


Stream 2, Vocal Masterclasses:Faculty: Dr. Renata Darázs (soprano) & Balázs Székely (accompanist)


23rd-24th March 2019

DCU St. Patrick's Campus

Saturday 30th March

Stream 1, Music Pedagogy:
Faculty: Dr. László Nemes & Katalin Körtvési

This weekend pedagogy course is suitable for:
· Primary teachers
· Post-primary music teachers
· Early years teachers
· Higher education music lecturers
· Vocal and instrumental teachers
· Conductors, singers and performers

We encourage anyone interested to apply as spaces are very limited and will be  allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Stream 2, Vocal Masterclasses:
Faculty: Dr. Renata Darázs (soprano) & Balázs Székely (accompanist)

The Vocal Masterclasses cater for advanced vocal students and
professional singers. Please send a current CV to outlining:
i) your vocal experience to date and
ii) your interest in participating in these masterclasses.
Closing date: Monday 25th February 2019, 6pm
Please write ‘KSI Masterclass Application’ in ‘Subject’

All participants will take part in core activities of Common Singing and Solfége, in addition to taking specialised classes according to their chosen stream.

This will be a weekend packed with Active Music Making through singing, musicianship classes and pedagogy workshops, taught by incredibly inspiring teachers, who epitomise the skills of Kodály's teaching concept! It is an event that is not to be missed!

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The KSI are delighted to share an evening recital of folksong arrangements, art songs and piano pieces by Liszt, Bartók and Kodály. Performed by Renáta Darázs (Soprano) and Balázs Székely (Piano).

This recital will be a highlight of the KSI's March workshop weekend. The weekend course is presented with the generous support of the School of Arts Education and Movement, DCU, the Hungarian Embassy in Dublin and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade. Admission is free, with a retiring collection and drinks reception after the performance.

© 2024 by The Kodály Society of Ireland. 

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